What's the Best Thing That Happened to You Today?

Hey hun,

Ever had one of those days where the oat milk for your coffee was too watery, the Wi-Fi glitches during an important call, and the creative juices just won't flow?

Yeah, me too.

But wait a minute—what if I told you there's a great way to flip the script on those blah days?

Why Perspective is Your New BFF

Look, we've alllll been there—stuck in the mud, staring at a blank screen. The trick is to swivel that perspective around and zoom in on something that made your heart twerk, even just a little.

Really, not trying to paint a pile of dung with nail polish here so try it out—

If you’re reading this in bed after a big day…

What's the absolute BEST thing that happened to you today?

That tiny moment of joy can turn your whole day, and your creative process, around.

Show Your Work, Show Your Life

You know how Austin Kleon talks about the power of sharing the behind-the-scenes process in his book "Show Your Work"?

If you think of your "best thing today" as the behind-the-scenes reel of your own life, you’ll have an endless source of content to share with your people.

It's raw, it's real, and it's the stuff that makes you, you.

One Pearl at a Time

Why would this tiny change matter to you?

When you make it a habit to spot the best part of your day, it’s like dropping a coin in your personal piggy bank of creative resourcefulness. The truth? Coins add up. Before you know it, you're rich—in inspiration, happiness, and creative ideas!

This Ain't Just Happy Talk

Don't brush this off as some fluffy, feel-good mantra from one of your friends who says things like “it is what it is” (yeah, you know who I’m talking about). Noope—this is literally your go-to trick for creating killer content.

By highlighting what moves you, you're giving yourself a backstage pass to what'll resonate with your people. After all, if it gets your heart pumping, chances are it'll do the same for your audience.

Bringing It Home

So, next time you're caught in a creative rut, hit the pause button and ask yourself: What's the BEST thing that happened today?

Treasure it, write it down, or shout it from the rooftops. It could very well be the secret sauce that takes your content from meh to magnificent.

Ready to change the game? Start with today's highlight reel and let the good vibes roll! 🎥🌟


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