The Joy and Ritual of Tidying: A Journey with Marie Kondo's Principles
Oh, the magical world of tidying up! The last blog post was about the importance of not letting the mundane urgencies spill over into your creative time.
Having said that, cultivating a space that helps you feel inspired and creative will definitely serve you in the long run!
If you've ever felt the weight of clutter pressing on your shoulders or the chaos of a messy room clouding your thoughts, you're not alone. But what if I told you there’s a method to this madness?
The Art of Being Disappointed: Spoiler, It's Not a Masterpiece
Tell me if you have at least one friend who’s done it all, been everywhere, met everyone who matters, makes all the money—and still seems more unimpressed by the world than ever before. What’s going on?
So, we’ve each honed our skills at being disappointed like it's some sort of dark art form. We’ve got our brushes of skepticism, our palette of pessimism, and our canvas of complaints. Sounds like a masterpiece in the making, right? Spoiler alert: it's not.
The Real Talk on Building a Brand with Focused Ethical Practices
Hey there, if you're looking to build a brand that not only scales but also earns people's trust, you're in the right place. And if you’re someone who wants to turn your business into a place you deeply enjoy and thrive in—a living space to hang out with people you care about—you’re going to want to get familiar with these ideas.
We all know ethics isn't just about rules or doing the bare minimum to get by; it's about genuinely striving to do what's called for.
The stuff that matters and gives us true fulfilment. And focused ethical practices? That's where the rubber meets the road. It's cultivating the habit of making intentional decisions day in and day out, in real-life situations.
What's the Best Thing That Happened to You Today?
Hey hun,
Ever had one of those days where the oat milk for your coffee was too watery, the Wi-Fi glitches during an important call, and the creative juices just won't flow?
Yeah, me too.
But wait a minute—what if I told you there's a great way to flip the script on those blah days?
Is Your Change Coming From Love or Self-Hate?
Self-optimisation is all the rage.
Our Instagram feeds are full of advice on how to live life to express our fullest potential and be a better person.
But how can you tell whether your efforts to change a given behaviour is rooted in love, or in self-hatred?